William Henry Fox Talbot developed a process which produced a negative image on sensitized paper in 1834 and took the first ever photograph one year later which is called Latticed Window at Lacock Abbey.
In September 1840, Talbot made a further vital breakthrough when he discovered that invisible or latent images were formed on sensitised paper even after relatively short exposure times.

Anna Atkins was one of the first female photographers and is known for having produced the first photographically illustrated book in Britain which was called "Entitled British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions."
Sir John Herschel had invented the cyanotype process in 1842, and Atkins would use it to make her own images.

Don McCullin is a British photojournalist with an international reputation for hard-hitting photographs taken in war zones and other areas of conflict. One of his well-known images is the "No Nazis in Bradford" picture from 1972.

Luc Delahaye is known primarily for his series of photographs based on History. In 2001, he took a picture and called it "Kabul Road" using a panoramic camera like he did with his other history photographs because it uses painterly conventions to present subject matter typically associated with photojournalism. Delahaye creates history pictures based on Wars and the aftermath of the War.

Hannah Starkey creates large photographs to invite the viewer to speculate about the thoughts and intentions of their subjects. This is an untitled picture by Starkey in 1997.
The people who are involved in her pictures, usually women, are engaged in some scenarios and it's unknown if they were stumbled across or if they were actors/actresses.

I think it has inspired photography today because of how popular the pictures were and the photographers who made photography like what it is today would have people inspired by them.
Cameras are different nowadays, because of qualities getting better and better from HD to 4K, cameras taking 3D images and cameras would have SD cards' storage increasing to let people take photos and videos.