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Primary research + Target audience


Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Quantitative data is the value of data in the form of counts or numbers where each data set has a unique numerical value.

Qualitive research is a type of research that aims to gather and analyze non-numerical data and to gain an understanding to a perception of events as in case studies and action research.

Primary research involves gathering data that has not been collected before.

We gathered quantitative data during class, there were 5 questions based on students' opinions of their favourite music. There were 15 students in the sample. They were asked what is their favourite music genre of music is and their results show:

  • ROCK: 40%

  • POP: 20%

  • RAP: 13.3%

  • GRIME: 0%

  • OTHER: 13.3%

The next question was what was their favourite streaming service and their results show:

  • YOUTUBE: 20%

  • SPOTIFY: 53%


  • SOUNDCLOUD: 6.7%

  • AMAZON MUSIC: 6.7%

Next, they were asked how many hours of music do they listen to per day and their results show:

  • 1-3 HOURS: 40%

  • 4-6 HOURS: 20%

  • 7-10 HOURS: 6.7%

  • MORE THAN 10: 40%

And the final question is has anyone been to a concert/festival and they have said:

  • YES: 54%

  • NO: 46%

Secondary research is a research method that involves using already existing data and can be found in books, magazines, encyclopedias, textbooks or internet resources.

A person's socio-economic status is based on the type of work they do based on their education, income or housing.

Socio-Economic Grouping is important for advertising/promoting a band or artist because it would impact their education.

I made this infographic poster from Canva. This is an example of quantitative data and secondary research.

Pop music is targeted between ages 16-25, because this age group spends about 180 minutes daily listening to music.

I think my target audience for the music I have chosen is mostly focused on teens, who like rock music and heavy metal.

There are 10 things to build an audience (Source:

1. Don’t Take Anyone for Granted

2. Provide Value On Social Media

3. Be More Human

4. Post Consistently On Social Media

5. Realise That Numbers Aren't Everything

6. Make Awesome Music

7. Play Live Shows

8. Collaborate With Other Artists

9. Run Contests & Giveaways

10. Stay Patient


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