I have worked on a back page on Marq.com

There is also a PDF file for it.
I used a campaign on the back page because it would convince Nintendo to respect the Miis the same way they would treat their other franchises.
I have used bigger text to make sure everyone can see it, along with a bright red highlighted colour.
I added 3 social media links on to their respective logos to show where the people would share the hashtag campaign.

It took forever to get the social media images to make them circular and I had to carefully edit them on PowerPoint, otherwise it would be an oval.
I did this to target Nintendo Switch Sports' awful characters and Nintendo's way of being unfair to the Miis.
When editing the Before and After pictures, I had to make both of the pictures the same height and width.

The back page and the 3 paged magazine (Both PDF files) was then combined in Adobe Acrobat Pro.

This was saved into a PDF file and was uploaded as a magazine on Issuu.com

I made this a target audience for all ages and have it an online only presentation.
There has been some change of plans when it came to planning it out.
A lot has changed for my original planning for my magazines as the words need to be bigger,
the text needs to be clearer and the images need to be at the best quality (not blurry).
There are links to social media to join a campaign for the Nintendo Miis.
The idea of the mast head was to use a common videogame word to get people's attention.
The audience can interact with the magazine with the QR codes and the social media logos, they will take you to the website link.
I have got some feedback from someone and this is what they had to say "It's really good, especially the information that you give, the complaints I have are the banner on the front cover looks out of place and the back cover's background colour is bland."
Click the link to see the magazine on Issuu.com (I have tested it and it works.)
NOTE: There is a link to a Mario Bros. movie trailer on the "Super Mario on the big screen" sub-heading. (Not blocked or a different video)