How many of the techniques have you used in your Trailer?
In the trailer, I have used music and dramatic music, clips from the film, actor's name (Joaquin Phoenix), I have put the year of when the film was released, it technically counts as a release date, and a rhetorical question, like some films did.
In the poster I have used: Year of release, a tagline, Director and screenplay writer's names (Todd Phillips and Scott Silver), The company names (Warner Bros. and DC comics), the actor's name (Joaquin Phoenix) and a picture of a clown mask.
What did you choose to feature?
In the trailer I have used movie clips and text to create what I need to make a trailer.
In the poster I have featured a clown mask because, the Joker is a clown and the film had clown masks worn by people as they are protestors.
Have you thought about sound? How did you use this?
I have used sound in the trailer, for example the laugh of the Joker where the opacity of the clip was lowered to 0% and having another clip used in the trailer to create a common cliché in a film trailer.
(Please enjoy my custom made trailer for Joker!)
(Film poster)

How does the poster link with the film trailer?
This links with the trailer as the clown mask is associated with the joker, and it's like 1940s poster, like the film taking place before the Batman films.