Comedy horror is a hybrid of horror and comedy where there is blood, gore and violence on one half and the other half has hilarious elements and the hybrid genre could also make a film a parody (Like Shaun of the Dead).
The majority of comedy horror films center around a group of characters that are seen as average people doing their day-to-day jobs and live in a small environment. They often are interrupted by a situation and is forced to take action to complete a goal (Love, wealth, etc.) the main character would often do certain actions in some way the audience would find funny.
Romantic-comedy (Rom-Com) is a hybrid of Romance and Comedy where there is love and romance while Comedy is making the audience laugh as they would find the jokes in the film funny. The common example of Rom-Com is "Grease".
The most common camera shot is a two shot which is conventional especially in showing the relationship that the two main characters have.
The characters would usually have:
A cool guy - main character
A clumsy girl - main character
A geek - secondary character
A famous or popular character
Funny best friend(s)
Third person ruining the relationship (villain)
Supportive family or strangers to motivate the main character.
Relationship between rich and poor main characters.
Action adventure is a hybrid of action and adventure with action having tense or dramatic moments in a film to keep the audiences on their seats so they don't want to miss it while adventure is mostly about the main protagonist trying to find something (Like Indiana Jones) or going to another country or city to discover something supernatural (Like Big Trouble in Little China)
The codes and conventions of Action Adventure are:
The film having a 12 or 15 certificate for under 18 audiences
The main protagonist being a young male which would be aspirational target audience.
Graphic violence is tolerated but dumbed down and often encoded with humour.
Fast paced editing.
High production values including CGI.
Women have Innocent childlike representations (Male Gaze theory.)
The narrative commonly involves a quest.