These shampoo products are placed in a forest background to make the shampoo like something from the garden of Eden. This is very colourful as it uses a lot of blue because it's part of the logo as it's the colour of water and shampoo is associated with water.
The other colour that is often used is white because that's the colour of the font and it's used as it's in the contrast with the green leaves behind them.
This makes it look attractive as it's usually about washing yourself to make you look good.

The recipe book is placed on what looks like a cooking table.
The lighting is dark and mostly uses the colour brown which is the colour of bread as it is a product picture about baking.
The font for the book is in handwriting because it would be classical and would make the book feel ancient.
This doesn't make it look attractive as it is like a serious advert judging be the lighting.

The lighting of the products make the spices like plastic as the brightness is too bright.
The text is in the style of what a typewriter would use but the text near the bottom is small and is hard too read.
This almost makes it attractive as it has a branch to make it like a peaceful advert.
